
Liminal Animal

Concept, editing: Bat Crew (anto_nie, Edith Jeřábková, Denisa Langrová, Ruta Putramentaite, Alex Sihelsk*)

Texts: Ama Josephine Budge, CAConrad, Sacha Coward, Paul Dobraszczyk, Tristan Donovan, Philip Howell, Michael A. Huffman & Colin A. Chapman, Colin Jerolmack, Julian J Koplin & Julian Savulescu, Richie Nimmo, Jeff Sebo, So Sinopoulos-LLoyd

Translation: Nathan Fields (Editorial, IV, VIII), Tomáš Pivoda (I, II, V, IX, X, XII), Daniela Vránová (III, VI, VII, XI)

Graphic design: Ľubica Segečová

Code: Rastislav Chynoranský 

Illustrations: Alex Sihelsk*

Production: Karolína Mikesková

Published by Woods – Community for Cultivation, Theory and Art and Are |

The publication Liminal Animal is produced as part of the Woods project funded by EEA Grants 2014-2021 under the Programme Culture, the European Union – Next Generation EU, the Czech Recovery Plan, the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the City of Prague, and the State Cultural Fund of the Czech Republic.,

#EEANorwayGrants #cultureprogramme #fondyehpanorska