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Kateřina Konvalinová & Lucie Rosenfeldová: Unbreeding Memory

The performative and participatory lesson Unbreeding Memory intertwines Lucie Rosenfeldová’s artistic research on bodily memory and Kateřina Konvalinová’s research practice focused on the application of non-human perspectives in agricultural practice. Through the perspective and matter of sheep wool, spoken word and singing, she evokes the inner stories of animals and humans. The performance was part of After Memory (Memory, Body, Landscape), a programme section that explored memory in and out of the human brain, intergenerational memory, and trauma in the context of more-than-human coexistence and the advancing technologization of the world through artistic and scientific inquiry. 

Kateřina Konvalinová is an audio-visual artist and performer working in the field of organic farming. Her PhD studies at FaVU focus on research in art, applied art and cultural landscape. Her practice seeks intersections between contemporary socially engaged art and agriculture, emphasizing a feminist perspective of care. In addition to her work at Unicorn Farm, she is part of the rap duo lobbyboy&saab900turbo. 

Lucie Rosenfeldová studied at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague in the painting studio of Jiří Černický, then in the sculpture studio of Dominik Lang and Edith Jeřábková. In her work she works mainly with experimental documentary video based on research. Her work has been presented to international and domestic audiences in a number of film screenings and exhibition projects.

Link to the performance here.