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Jiri Kovanda: Quotes. Or dots?

Jiří Kovanda’s artistic intervention, which is a subtle allusion to the revitalisation of the pond, took place on the banks of the Šušek pond as part of the symposium More-than-Human Curiosity. It was part of the programme section Mediation (Art and the Human Brain), which through current research in psychology, social sciences, philosophy, and neuroscience explored the role of art in shaping our perception of the world, our bonding with others and our understanding of ourselves.

Jiří Kovanda lives and works in Prague. He is engaged in an artistic practice based on the repetition of everyday actions and gestures as a means of intervention and hidden, almost covert re-signification of public space. Jiří Kovanda teaches at the Object-Space-Action Studio at the Faculty of Art and Design of Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem and at the Art in Context Studio at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague.

Link to the recording of the performance here.