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Children's Forest Group

5. — 7. 7. 2024

Our eyes can't see what a drop of water has turned into, but that doesn't mean it's gone. What seems to disappear begins anew and differently. I am a guide through time and I will show you how everything is constantly changing.

We will descend down the path through the forest, from human dwellings, through the imprints of fossilized plants and animals, towards the first sea.
We'll traverse the entire sensory landscape, engaging the hidden sensors on our bodies.
We'll listen to the trees whisper, smell their scent perhaps, hear them with our hands.
We will explore the forest as a network where everyone is intertwined with their surroundings and everyone needs each other: animals cannot be without plants and plants cannot be without animals.
We will merge with the forest and its inhabitants: the hawfinch, the budgerigar, the bearded warbler, the shadow, the runner.
We will tell stories of time written in the layers beneath our feet, learn to play quiet melodies, prepare colors from red soil and raspberries, see the delicate threads that connect everything.
We will be here together and apart.
We will be the forest, the scent, the drop of water.

We look forward to you, to you!

Curators of the Children's Forest Group: Nikola Brabcová, Barbora Kleinhamplová, Eva Koťátková